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Round table "Robotics, the new era of agricultural machinery", hosted by S. Weykmans (Waldigifarm) in collaboration with Gofar-FIRA.

This round table will highlight the role of agricultural robotics in ushering in a new era of agricultural mechanization, where smart technologies contribute to transforming and modernizing agricultural practices to meet contemporary and future challenges. Agricultural robotics is revolutionizing traditional practices by offering innovative solutions to address sector challenges such as labor shortages, efficient farm management, and reducing environmental footprint. Speakers will discuss various applications of agricultural robotics: weed control robots, agricultural drones for crop monitoring, harvest robots, and autonomous driving systems for tractors and agricultural equipment. They will also explore the benefits and challenges associated with the adoption of agricultural robotics. While robots can improve efficiency, they also raise questions about job displacement and technological dependency.

Monday 29/07 from 10:20 to 11:05

Organizer: Foire de Libramont - Gofar / FIRA

Hall 3 - LEC 1

On reservationPrice: included in the entrance ticket to the fair