
At Adalia 2.0 we are working for the garden of tomorrow!

The name of our non-profit organization comes from the ladybug Adalia bipunctata: a great predator of
aphids, known to replace synthetic pesticides in gardens. SO,
yes, like her we aim to limit the use of pesticides and change practices.
We strive to enable a transition towards a sustainable management method for green spaces
by supporting those who wish to commit to the planet through ways of
make it natural and respectful.

Our ultimate goal? A green, healthy Wallonia filled with rich biodiversity in
which is good to live in, which we try to achieve by working on numerous axes:
➔ Raising awareness among professionals and individuals, children and adults,
the harmful effects of pesticides on the environment in the broad sense; to their
dangers, both for nature and for human health; to the necessity and
challenges of ecological management of green spaces.
➔ Information, advice, training on methods that respect the
nature and health but also support for managers
of professional green spaces towards maintenance methods that respect
the environment.
➔ Network animation, promotion and support for development initiatives
design and maintenance with positive impacts on the environment.

In response to the growing demand for information on pesticide reduction in
Wallonia, Adalia 2.0 also aims to group together information on the same page.
platform to facilitate exchanges between different actors in the field.

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